Shakira Lyrics Translated

Donde Estan Los Ladrones

1. Ciega, Sordomuda = Blindly Deaf
2. Si Te Vas = If You Go
3. Moscas En La Casa = Flies In The House
4. No Creo = Not Tonight
5. Inevitable = Inevitable
6. Octavo Dia = Eighth Day
7. Que Vuelvas = Who Will Return
8. Tu = You
9. Donde Estan Los Ladrones = Where Are The Thieves?
10. Sombra De Ti = Shade Yourself
11. Ojos Asi = Eyes Like This


To be me finish the argument
and the methodology
each time, Who appears in front
to me, your anatomy

By who this love already understands not
of advice, nor reasons
be the feeder of pretexts
and you lacken pants
this love not be premitted
to be in my feet
because already,.. to had gone bankrupt until
the stubs...
through me lifted, to return, to fall
if you swim near it is helpful
but useless..

Stupid, blinded, deaf,
clumsy, fret, stubborn,
is all that I have been
by you to have converted
in a way that does not
other ways but that love
thought in you day and night
and not as by forgotten

How many times have I tried
entering in my memory
and through hellos are already no more
other times is the same history
because this love always knows
to do to breathe deep
already to brought by the left
and of fight with the world

If power excerises your voice
If power excapes your name
If power starts the heart
and clings to no new setiment

Stupid, blinded, deaf,
clumsy, fret, stubborn,
is all that I have been
by you to have converted
in a way that does not
other ways but that love
thought in you day and night
and not as by forgotten

Haggerd, skiny, ugly, ruffled
clumsy, foolish, slow, inane, unbalanced
completely discontrolled
you, you are counted and not be told no
seeing who to be, had returned
the head an nest
where only you have asylum
and not to shield its you that
looks good its that seeing to do with me

Stupid, blinded, deaf,
clumsy, fret, stubborn,
is all that I have been
by you to have converted
in a way that does not
other ways but that love
thought in you day and night
and not as by forgotten


Account that to do afterwards that to premire the body
when dwelling you crossbeam curiosity
when memorizing all him recovers
and decides other times return
already not being here in the same place

If not has but that an couple of fingers of front
and discovers that no being washs good the teeth
If you remove the few cents that have
and later you let such as to love

Be that returns the day
in that she you do tries
without pillows to cry on
but if you have decided
and no affections but with me
swim now can import me
because without you
the world already mine gives equality

If you go, if you go, if you leave
my sky be made gray
If you go, if you go, already not having
that coming by me
If you go, if you go, and I change
by those witchs, into a piece of leather
not returning never but
that not being here

All new brooms always bare good
later seeing to see the filthy pigs
when wrinkled you cut the skin
and the cells, invading his legs

Return since your hell
with the dirty old man between the horns
imploring a time but,
but to stagger then
I being an million of nights
far off this enormous city
far off you
the world already mine gives equality

If you go, if you go, if you leave...
